What is a Private Ambulance? A Guide To Private Ambulances

The healthcare system in the UK has seen quite a few downgrades recently with budget cuts to the NHS. This has resulted in the ambulance services not being able to respond to emergencies rapidly and effectively.

However, you don’t need to lose hope as there is a perfect solution to these problems: private ambulances. In this blog, we present the full picture of private ambulances to guide you toward a stress-free medical transportation journey. Let’s take a closer look!

What Are Private Ambulances?

Private ambulances are those medical transportation vehicles that are used for non-emergency purposes. Such vehicles are owned by a private company and have a distinct appearance from the regular NHS ambulances. These ambulances cater to a variety of needs including:

  • To transfer immobile patients from one medical facility to one better suited for their continued care.
  • To take patients home from a medical facility in case they can’t move or walk properly.
  • As transport for patients who have low or no mobility to and from a medical appointment.
  • For medical transportation in a non-emergency situation.
  • Transportation to and from care homes.
  • When transportation is needed for special occasions like funerals, weddings, or day visits.

A good example of using a private taxi is if a patient is admitted to a hospital in Cambridge but needs to be sent to a different facility in a city like London with more advanced facilities. Then, you may need to hire a private taxi through a Cambridge to London transfer service, like the one provided by HYFLY Taxis, for a comfortable and safe journey.

What Are The Differences Between Private and Public Ambulances?

Aside from appearance, private and public ambulances also have other distinct differences, some of which are mentioned below:

1.    Scheduling

Private ambulances tend to be a lot more flexible with their scheduling as compared to public ambulances. The public ambulances serve a particular area assigned by the government and, therefore, only respond to calls from areas within their jurisdiction. Public ambulances operate across multiple jurisdictions and can respond to calls for long-distance transfers, inter-facility calls, and event medical coverage.

2.    Staffing

Public ambulances have government employees as their crew, including EMTs and paramedics, with their level of expertise varying based on regulations within that locality. On the other hand, all private ambulances have certified paramedics and EMTs as their crew, with their level of expertise often surpassing industry standards.

3.    Funding

Public ambulances are funded by the NHS through taxpayer money and tend to have a set budget, while private ambulances are paid for by individual patients and insurance. These ambulance services tend to operate as a business and may allow for a more advanced level of care.

4.    Used for

Public ambulances are used for both emergency and non-emergency situations, while private ambulances are only used for non-emergency medical transfers.

5.    Owned by

Public ambulances are owned by the government or NHS in particular and may experience drawbacks from any budget cuts to the NHS as a whole. On the other hand, private ambulances are owned by private companies and do not experience any drop in service when the government slashes funding to the NHS.

What Are The Current Healthcare Issues In The UK?

The NHS has been experiencing more and more budget cuts in the past two decades due to inflation, which has led to the public healthcare services in the UK suffering a lot. After the budget cuts, many major news networks, like the Guardian, have reported that this could potentially put many people’s lives at considerable risk. There have been multiple studies that note the failure of the public medical system on multiple levels due to reduced funding.

Recently, Jazeera wrote an article on NHS doctors striking multiple times to demand a pay rise and better working conditions. Additionally, a study conducted in 2022 also noted that the wait time on ambulances has also been getting longer. All this has resulted in the non-emergency ambulances not being available to people who may need them for medical transport. These issues need an immediate solution.

How Are Private Ambulances Solving These Issues?

Private ambulances have risen as a saviour in such conditions. Following are some ways private ambulances solve these issues:

  • These ambulances are owned by private companies and, therefore, are not affected by any budget cuts to the NHS.
  • Private ambulances are easy to schedule and readily available.
  • Such vehicles have everything you may need should any kind of medical emergency occur on the road.
  • Private ambulances are always on time.
  • These ambulances tend to be staffed with a healthcare professional who can take care of any situation.

Private Ambulances Features

Private ambulances tend to have a lot of additional features that make them a superior choice to conventional public ambulances. Here are some of these features that you or your loved one can take advantage of:

1.    Flexibility

Private ambulances, as mentioned above, tend to be fully flexible, and you can easily schedule a non-emergency medical transfer at any time, any day of the week. This is particularly useful for patients who wish to use such a service for a scheduled visit to their healthcare provider or an event. You can essentially use these ambulances as a medically equipped taxi.

2.    Fast Response Time

Another positive feature of such a service is the quick response time. The reason for this prompt response is that private ambulance services tend to have a fleet of ambulances ready as they prioritise quick response time, minimising critical wait times.

3.    Long Distance Transfers

Perhaps the biggest benefit of using a private ambulance service is that they facilitate long-distance transfers. This is not a service conventionally provided by public ambulances due to jurisdiction limitations. Such services have opened the doors for patients to be transferred to better medical facilities in neighbouring cities, which was previously not a viable option.

4.    Availability

Private ambulances are an excellent solution for anyone who wishes to ensure they have access to emergency medical services at any time. With private ambulances, you can schedule them to arrive exactly when you need them, providing you with peace of mind that you’ll receive prompt and efficient care should you need it mid-transit.

5.    Life Support Equipment

Many private ambulances offer various life support equipment like the following:

  • A stretcher
  • A wheelchair
  • Entertainment options
  • First aid kits
  • Oxygen cylinders
  • Something to munch on

6.    Enhanced Patient Care

All private ambulance services tend to hire only certified EMTs and Paramedics with ample field experience. This allows them to provide an enhanced level of patient care that is rarely possible with regular public ambulances. Additionally, all the equipment in the private ambulances goes through regular quality checks to ensure accurate and efficient performance should sudden medical issues pop up.

To Wrap Up

If you’re looking for a reliable and hassle-free transportation option for non-emergency medical needs, private ambulances are the way to go. With flexible scheduling, top-notch features, and quick and easy services, private ambulances are the ideal solution for the healthcare problems faced in the UK.

Consider choosing a private taxi from HYFLY Taxis next time you or a loved one requires non-emergency medical transportation to enjoy a comfortable and stress-free journey. Don’t settle for less, especially when the well-being of yourself or your loved ones is concerned; choose private ambulances for all your non-emergency medical transportation needs. Have a stress-free journey!

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